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Ancient Hawaiian Weapons Found on Maui

Sept 5, 1921

Mauian Arsenal Found
Islanders, Conquered by Hawaiian King, Kept Weapons in Crater.

HONOLULU, T. H., Sept. 5. – The weapon storehouse in the immense crater of extinct Haleakala, where the natives of Maui many years ago made their last stand against the all conquering King of Hawaii, has been discovered, according to Emil A. Berndt, a Honolulu business man. Only two others share the secret and it is to be kept until a superintendent of the Hawaii National Park is appointed who can take steps to preserve the treasures of the cave.

The crater of the old volcano was the stronghold of the islanders of Maui. On its brink they had built many little fortresses and in a cave in its recesses they maintained their arsenal. Their defenses, however, proved futile against the advance of Kamehameha the Great, who united the archipelago in the Kingdom of Hawaii and became its first ruler.

In the decades that have since elapsed many of the “pill boxes” on the crater’s lips have been discovered and robbed of weapons found beneath their stone floors. Mr. Berndt says each of the three white men with knowledge of the cave stumbled across it while wandering aimlessly about, after losing their way in the crater. He reports that in contains crude stone hatchets, immense quantities of sling shot stones, spearheads and other implements of ancient warfare.

Haleakala Crater
Haleakala Crater
Maui, Hawaii


This article was printed in The New York Times, Sunday, September 18, 1921

If anyone has any more information about this story please forward it to Mythic Hawaii.


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